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Showing Your Home

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Making your home look welcoming is a surefire way to raise
the interest shown by buyers. Follow this room-by-room
checklist to leave potential buyers wanting a second look.

Entire home

  • Declutter your home. You might have to rent a storage unitor ask
    a friend or family member if you can store items in their basement or garage.
  • Depersonalize your home. Displaying items like photos, awards,
    and framed certificates can make it difficult for homebuyers to
    envision themselves living in your home.
  • Switch out the art. If you have personal, controversial, or
    abstract art, consider changing it for pieces that appeal to a broader audience.
  • Eliminate signs of pets. Put away food and water bowls, toys, and beds.
  • Remove any unpleasant odors from your home. Use these tips to give your
    home a fresh and clean scent.
  • Replace any burned-out lightbulbs inside and outside of your home.
  • In warmer weather, open the windows right before the open house to
    let in fresh air.

Kitchen and dining room

  • Thoroughly clean the kitchen.
  • Put away all dishes from the sink and dishwasher.
  • Clear items such as toasters, blenders, dish racks, and utensils
    from countertops; you can replace these items with bowls of fruit or
    vases filled with flowers.
  • Clean and reorganize your drawers, cabinets, and pantry.
  • Remove magnets, coupons, calendars, and papers from the refrigerator.
  • Update older cabinets with a fresh coat of paint and hardware.
  • Clean trashcans. Move them somewhere else if possible.
  • Clear the dining room table, leaving only the centerpiece.
  • Remove extra chairs from the table.


  • Clean toilets, sinks, and bathtubs.
  • Put out fresh soap and a new roll of toilet paper.
  • Recaulk the tub and sink, if needed.
  • Hang fresh towels.
  • Add a new shower curtain and rug, if necessary.
  • Pack up and remove any medications or products that you don’t use
  • Make sure all plumbing is working and isn’t clogged.
  • Remove stains from tile and grout.

Living room

  • Rearrange the furniture to make the room look larger and spacious.
  • Make sure there is enough room to walk around.
  • Remove any unnecessary furniture. Furniture should match; if any pieces
    don’t, remove them from the space.
  • Add small plants to give the room some liveliness.
  • Remove items from the coffee table, and move small items like remotes
    into a decorative box.
  • Add accent pillows or a colorful throw blankets to couches or chairs.
  • Open curtains and blinds to boost natural light and give the room an airy
    and spacious feel.
  • Remove rugs to showcase any hardwood floors.
  • Clean out the fireplace.


  • Consider painting bedrooms a more neutral tone.
  • Remove clothing from bedroom closets to make them feel larger.
  • Keep jewelry and expensive items in a safe place.
  • Use gender-neutral colors in all bedrooms.
  • Make beds look inviting by adding a headboard, accent pillows, and a throw
    blanket in neutral colors like gray or brown.
  • Move daily necessities into bins, drawers, or closets.
  • If your bedroom is small, make sure the bed is full-size or smaller to prevent
    the room from feeling cramped. You can also use scaled furniture to fit the space
    better than large furniture.
  • Clean thoroughly.


  • Consider upgrading your front door with a fresh coat of paint.
  • Stage your porch, patio, or deck with furniture and plants.
  • Place a simple decorative welcome mat by the front door.
  • Mow the lawn.
  • Trim back trees, shrubs, and plants.
  • Clean up your landscaping, and remove any leaves or branches from your yard.
  • Power wash the siding, gutters, driveway, sidewalk, front porch, and windows.
  • Replace old light fixtures.
  • Fix any torn window screens.
  • Clean up after your pet.
  • Upgrade your mailbox to a more modern or sophisticated design.
  • Store away items like toys and sporting equipment.
  • Upgrade your house numbers with one of these ideas.
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